Our Pajaro Dunes condo ready for guests:

The Collins kids, spouses, and grandkids livened up the condo...



(Back: Jason, Ellen, Barbara, Jim, Joe, Jennifer

Front: Rachel, Maggie)

...and the beach with a sibling powow...

Rachel with cousin Maureen; Jennifer and the Sidler girls:

Local birds enjoying a peaceful morning:

Aunt Joyce with the Collins girls:

Enjoying a view of Monterey from the condo.

Rachel joined the gallery at the LPGA Open at Pebble beach Sunday morning:

Veronica and Erin; Lovi and Maureen:

Lovi, Maureen, Colleen, Mike, Joyce, Taryn, Siobhan, George, Jack,

Chris & Sean joining us for champagne, sparkling cider and dessert:

Sean & Chris; Birthday Girl, Taryn

Shannon Clan:

Monterey and Pacific Grove beckoning.

Barbara and I relaxed at the condo while the rest of the Collins Clan drove to Carmel for dinner:

Sean and Mike; Joyce and Veronica:

Aunts and Uncles: Mike & Joyce; Jim & Barbara

Cousins: Jennifer, Maggie, Joe, Maureen, Colleen, Sean, Ellen

Collins and Shannon grandkids:

Jack, Lovi, Austin, Siobhan, Taryn, George,

Carson, Helena, Ashley, Sienna, Alex, Emma:

A final dip in the ocean and footprint memories:


Next: August to October

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