Barbara and I teach English, reading, and math at MVP on Tuesdays. We also organize the annual banquet, serve on the Board, help with fundraising, put together newsletters and keep the student network going. This year's banquet was a great success. See newsletter story below:



With Christmas and the New Year coming soon, we look back at recent 2011 happenings at MVP. Special thanks go to Bishop Jaime Soto who gave the inspiring keynote speech, “Building Stronger Youth for a Better Tomorrow” at our second annual MVP Banquet on November 4. Our MVP Christian Brothers High School students served over 200 guests at Kavanagh Hall.




Laura Caraccio introduced the student speakers, Jocelyn Miranda, Abel Cardenas, and Dani Cain. Frank Victorio highlighted the need for teaching the Values to protect our kids from becoming victims of gang violence. He asked for a few moments of silence in memory of a former MVP student, Jose Galindo (see below), who was recently killed. Next, Frank asked for prayers for his wife, Monica, who is still recovering from partial paralysis of her left arm resulting from a fracture several months ago. We thank all of those who made pledges at this year’s banquet and all the rest of our supporters who continue to make regular pledges to help MVP.


Thanksgiving Outreach: On November 18, MVP sponsored its 18th Annual Community Thanksgiving dinner for over 300 needy neighbors. Our MVP kids and other volunteers spent hours serving dinner to MVP’s guests.



Homeless Outreach: Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday our homeless and hungry neighbors come to MVP for boxes of food. Recently our middle-school students served at a crab feed where they were given tips. The students chose to use a portion of their earnings to purchase a large coffeemaker in order to provide a hot cup of coffee to our guests.


 Frank and Monica are planning even more for the season:



Wishing you many Christmas Blessings

 from all of us at MVP


The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. (John 1:5)

The birth of Christ is compared to a light bursting forth in the darkness. In our neighborhoods, the darkness manifests itself in hunger, crime, and violence. On November 2nd, this darkness peaked in the lives of the MVP kids when Jose Galindo was killed. Jose had lived at MVP in days past, had attended our home-school for five years, and was loved dearly by everyone. Three years ago, the pull of the streets took him from our program, and now from our lives.



But in the eighteen years of MVP, we have attended many more graduation ceremonies than funerals. For so many youth, MVP has been the way out and the path forward. The values and a safe education have provided the hope absent in the streets.


We need your help to continue. This is a community effort. And you are a vital part of our existence.



Come join us to help us help our MVP kids



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