Spring in isolation was a new experience. We took a few day trips to the coast and the mountains to deal with cabin fever then spent lots of time planting new flowers and dealing with the annual invasion of weeds. When the Yeoman rose bloomed and we could take a few pictures with the dogwoods and the lilacs in full color, we were certain that spring had arrived.

Easter was also unusual. Barbara baked the family favorites and put together a great ham dinner for two. We missed our family gathering and celebration, but enjoyed Barbara's recipes.

By early May the garden was free of weeds at least for a few moments. The grass was mowed and read ready for the Mothers Day feast. So much for social distancing. We would take our chances with very few cases of the virus in Butte County, even fewer in this isolated Paradise neighborhood.

On Mother's Day we gathered with Joe, Maggie, Jason, and Carson to celebrate Mother's Day and Joe's Birthday:


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