Lesson 25


Opening Prayer



Questions and answers:  Chapter 22: Confirmation


  1. What is the sacrament of Confirmation? It is the sacrament by which the baptized are bound more perfectly to the Church; they are endowed with special strength of the Holy Spirit, are thus more strictly obliged, as true witnesses of Christ, to spread and defend the faith by word and deed. It must be received if the grace of Baptism is to have its complete effect.

  2. When was the sacrament of Confirmation established? See "Where is Confirmation in the Bible?"

  3. What does Jesus Christ accomplish in us through Confirmation? Jesus gives us:

      a)  an increase of the divine life;

      b)  a new and deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit;

      c)  the sacramental mark or character of Confirmation;

      d)  an increase of strength to profess, defend and spread the faith.

  1. What is the sign of the sacrament of Confirmation? The imposition of hands, signifying  the conferring of full and perfect adulthood, and anointing with chrism (oil and balm consecrated by the bishop) as the bishop says, "Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit."

  2. What is the effect of the distinctive “character” or “seal” given in Confirmation? It perfects what was received in Baptism and grants the power to proclaim Jesus in everyday life.

  3. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in Confirmation? As at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit enlightens our minds and strengthens our wills to live the Christian life.

  4. What are the powers which enable us to profess, defend and spread the faith? These powers are the gifts of the Holy Spirit and the graces of the sacrament which enable us to meet the challenges to our faith and to spread it in our everyday lives.

  5. How do the gifts of the Holy Spirit help us? They open us to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and develop the gifts (wisdom, understanding, right judgment, courage, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord) which we received in Baptism.

    1. Wisdom: judge all things as God sees them; relish the things of God.

    2. Understanding: have insight into the truths that God has revealed.

    3. Right judgment:  act with prudence especially in difficult cases.

    4. Courage: do great things for God joyfully without fear.

    5. Knowledge: see things of this world in relation to God.

    6. Piety: love God as our Father and to love everyone

    7. Fear of the Lord: fear offending God or being separated from him.

    9.    Why must a confirmed Christian be concerned with world problems and social justice? Because Jesus insists that his followers do so. See Matthew 25:31-46). A confirmed Christian should be concerned about following the two great commandments to love God and neighbor.

    10.  How do Christians profess and spread their faith? They do so by:

      a)  praying for all people (1 Tm 2:1)

      b)  professing belief in Christ (Mt 10:32-33)

      c)  giving good example (Mt 5:14-16)

      d)  doing the works of mercy (Mt 25: 37-40)

      e)  aiding the missions (Mt 28:19)

      f)   participating in the apostolate of suffering (2 Cor 1:7)

      g)  taking part in the work of the Church (Rom 10:14-15)


  1. Who is the minister of Confirmation? The bishop or his delegate in special circumstances (Easter Vigil, emergency)

  2. When may a person be confirmed? Normally in early adolescence or as adults.


Introduction to a Saint’s life: Saint Patrick


·         Sponsors: Share your Confirmation experience and your life experiences with the power of the Holy Spirit.


                  Closing Prayer:  Stations of the Cross