Session Three Homework


(1) Review the responses for Session Three (pp. 153 - 156)

(2) Prayerfully read p. 21. A. Review the Context; B. Read the Story, Matthew 3.

(3) Answer the questions and the application (pp. 22 – 24). Do not read the responses at the end of the book. C. Take a Deeper Look; D. Application. Write a prayer and/or answer the application questions.

(4). To include those who may run short of time, please answer at least the questions assigned to you below. No one has same two questions, different questions for couples:

Cheryl Barron 8,5

Jim Collins 7,8

 Barbara Collins 6,2

 Dee Cox 7,1

 Greg DeCristofaro 6,7

 Kathy DeCristofaro 5,3

 Michael Doyle 5,6

 Lee Ann Fowler 5,1

 Mark Fowler 4,8

 Margaret Gordus 4,6

 Donna Helgeson 4,5

 Sharon Hoffman 3,6

 Joseph Kirin 4,1

 Marilyn Kirin 2,7

 Michael Mangan 1,8

 Chris McKenzie 1,2

 Pat Swain 2,3

 Janet Williams 3,4


·         Contact Information: Jim Collins (831) 821-9369;

·         Meet with me if you will be missing Session Four or have missed any previous session. Missing sessions procedure: If you will be missing sessions, I have sent your e-mail address to authorize you to see the video on the Ascension Press site. I can arrange a special viewing of the video for those without e-mail.

·         Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful and kindle in us the fire of Your Divine Love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created, and You shall renew the face of the earth.

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