October 3


The morning sun filtered through the blinds as we woke up at Rachel’s. I opened the balcony door to let in the cool air. Barbara and I took turns in the shower then waited for Rachel. She was feeling awful, so we went with her to Urgent Care where the doctor gave her some medicine and told her to get some rest. We picked up some Coke to settle her stomach, searched for the nearest Catholic Church for Sunday Mass, and then headed for Santa Paula and Ashley’s birthday party.



Arnie and Ellen were making last minute preparations for the party. Austin and I played with his Thomas train as the cousins, aunts and uncles, and friends began to arrive.




 Soon Austin joined the cousins in the bouncy house while Ashley roamed around the yard. When I saw her next she was wearing a Tinkerbell outfit.



Soon it was lunch time. Arnie grilled hot dogs and sausages.




Debbie put a big pot of homemade chili near the grill along with chicken, fruit salad, macaroni salad, veggie dip, and chips. Austin ate quickly then jumped in the pool with some of his cousins.



Then it was time to cut the cake. Ashley struggled to get out of her high chair as Ellen lit the candles.




Austin helped her blow out the candles. She continued to fuss until Ellen gave her a big slice of cake. Soon she was squeezing it in her hands and smearing it everywhere.




The soiled Tinkerbell outfit was history and it was time for the piñata. All the children got into the act swinging the bat as Arnie raised and lowered the piñata.




Then they scrambled as the candy fell on the lawn. Austin offered us pieces of his cache, took a few pieces for himself, then gave the rest to me for safekeeping.




Soon after, Ellen began working through the mounds of presents—lots of tea sets, little girl’s clothes, and a variety of learning toys.



Cena gave her some red sequined shoes that matched her own. It took Cena and several moms to tackle her to put the new shoes on. Then Ashley wandered around admiring her shoes and other presents.






Meanwhile most of the guys escaped to view a summary of the college football games over a final beer before saying good-bye.




Francine arrived with more presents just as everyone was leaving. She borrowed my comb and some of Debbie’s scissors to give Connie a trim.




It was getting windy, cool, and dark, so we said our good-byes and braved the 405 once again back to Rachel’s. When we arrived she was feeling better, good enough to mop her floors and do some laundry. We finished the evening together watching Dr. Zhivago and checking out the day’s pictures.





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