Lesson 20


Opening Prayer


Questions:  Sections 35, 36, 38: The 4th, 5th, 7th, and 10th Commandments


  1. What is the significance of the family?

  2. What is the fourth commandment?

  3. Whom must we obey?

  4. Does the fourth commandment oblige us to love our country?

  5. Are there limits to this obligation?

  6. What is the fifth commandment?

  7. What are the sins against the fifth commandment?

  8. Is it ever permitted to take the life of another?

  9. Why are abortion and “mercy killing” against the fifth commandment?

  10. How are we obliged to preserve our own lives and health?

  11. How serious a sin is it to mutilate the body unnecessarily, to deprive it of an important function or to shorten one’s life?

  12. Is it permissible to participate in medical experiments or to donate organs?

  13. What is hatred?

  14. Is war morally acceptable?

  15. Is a Christian obliged to serve in the military?

  16. Are religious and racial prejudices against the fifth commandment?

  17. May we seek revenge or refuse to forgive injuries?

  18. What is scandal?

  19. How serious are sins of hatred, scandal, cooperation in sin and uncharitable words and actions?

  20. What are the seventh and tenth commandments?

  21. What are the sins against the seventh and tenth commandments?

  22. How is the seriousness of sins against the seventh commandment determined?

  23. When is there an obligation of making restitution?

  24. What does the Church say about the right to private property?

  25. Is justice between two individuals the only form of justice about which Christians should be concerned?

  26. Why is concern for justice a religious concern?

  27. What does the Church say about justice?      


Introduction of a Saint’s life: St. Josephine Bakhita



Homework: Section 37: The Sixth and Ninth Commandments


  1. How are we to understand human sexuality?


  1. What are the sixth and ninth commandments?


  1. What is chastity?


  1. What are the sins against the sixth and ninth commandments?


  1. Why is artificial birth control morally wrong?


  1. What is Natural Family Planning?


  1. Are demonstrations of affection between unmarried persons against the virtue of chastity?


  1. Why are thoughts and desires against chastity sinful?


  1. What is the virtue of modesty?


  1. Is masturbation a sin?


  1. Why is the sixth commandment sometimes called “the difficult commandment”?


  1. How do we preserve our chastity?                                        


Closing Prayer: Prayer before meals: Bless us, O Lord, and these your gifts which we are about to receive from your bounty through Christ, Our Lord. Amen.