Opening Prayer:


Answers:  Chapter 28: Holy Orders


  1. What are the sacraments of service? Holy Orders and Matrimony.


  1. What is the sacrament of Holy Orders? The sacrament of apostolic ministry (CCC1536)


  1. What do we mean when we speak of Christ’s priesthood? Through the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation the faithful are consecrated to be a holy priesthood, the priesthood of all who receive these sacraments, the priesthood of the faithful. Through the sacrament of Holy Orders men are ordained for the ministerial priesthood to serve the faithful.


  1. How does the ministerial priesthood serve the Church? By making Christ present as the head of the Church imitating his example as servant, and by presenting the Church's prayers to God.


  1. What is the sign of the sacrament of Holy Orders? The laying on of hands by the bishop (2 Tm 1:6)


  1. Who administers Holy Orders? Only a bishop.


  1. What are the “grades” of Holy Orders? (1) episcopacy (bishop); a bishop is a member of the college of bishops and shares concern and responsibility for the well-being of all the Churches; a diocesan bishop is pastor of a diocese. (2) presbyterate (priest); priests collaborate with the bishop in carrying out the mission of the Church, exercising it in a special way in the celebration of the Eucharist. (3) deaconate (deacon). The first two participate fully in the ministerial priesthood; the third assists these two. Deacons assist the bishop in the ministry of charitable acts; they also may assist a priest or bishop at Mass, preach, distribute Holy Communion, baptize, and witness at marriages and officiate at funerals.


  1. What is the work of a bishop? To govern a diocese and to lead the Pilgrim People of God by teaching, ruling, and sanctifying them.


  1. What is the work of a priest?


      a.    Some priests are missionaries, carrying the gospel to those at home or abroad.


      b.    Some priests are teachers in Catholic schools or chaplains in secular universities.


      c.    Some priests are engaged in administrative and specialized work.


      d.    Some priests are in various monastic orders and congregations.


      e.     Most priests are working in parishes, as pastors or as associates of a pastor.


  1. What is the work of a parish priest? He collaborates with members of the parish and the parish staff partaking in some of the fields outlined above. He offers Mass and other sacraments. He does missionary work, cares for healthy members of the parish as well as those who have fallen away, those who have married outside the Church, and those who are lukewarm and weak in their faith. He also works for those who are not Catholic and tries to bring them into contact with the Catholic Church and its teaching. He teaches, provides spiritual care, visits hospitals, assuring that the sick receive Holy Communion and, in some cases, the Anointing of the Sick. He baptizes, hears confessions, prepares couples for marriage, assists at weddings and buries the dead. He acts as chaplain for various parish organizations. In some instances, he administers a parish, its staff, and its finances and operations.


  1. What is the work of a deacon? A transitional deacons (student preparing for ordination to the priesthood) spends part of his last year of training working full-time in a parish. A permanent deacon (one with no intention of becoming a priest who may be married and have a secular job) serves a parish or diocese in many possible ways: visiting the sick, those in prison, helping the poor, working with various service organizations, doing marriage counseling, marriage preparation, performing baptisms. Both types of deacons preach the gospel, serve at the altar and assist in various works of charity.


  12. Who can be ordained? A baptized adult male. In the Western or Latin rite only

         celibate men can be ordained priests or bishops


Introduction to a saint's life: St. Paul


Final Prayer:

O Sacrament most holy,

O Sacrament divine,

All praise and all thanksgiving,

Be every moment Thine.