Veronica and Caitlin were stealing the show in 1996 as Joyce and Mike's first grandchildren and as Grandma Helen's first great grandchildren. Here they pretended to go for a ride on Mike's 1946 GMC pickup:

Caitlin in January and in March (one year old):



Meanwhile, I was learning the ropes at Wheatland Elementary as the District Librarian and describing a hike to the Sutter Buttes that I volunteered to lead:




In April we celebrated Jeff's 21st birthday in Lake Tahoe. I took him skiing down the face of Heavenly Valley (Gun Barrel)

for a rite of passage experience. It was the same slope where I first learned to ski and would later crash on Joe's 21st celebration:





June started with snorkeling lessons for Joe. He joined some Boy Scout buddies and other locals at the dive center:



A few days later the latest pictures of Caitlin and Veronica showed up:




When June 22nd arrived, it was time for a special wedding:

Next: Gregg & Tiffany's Wedding

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